How to Propagate Monstera Deliciosa

There are three main ways to propagate Monstera deliciosa:

  1. In soil
  2. In water
  3. Airlayering

There’s also wet stick propagation, which I’ll go through at the end. Buying wet sticks from places like Etsy is extremely common, but it’s not always straightforward to get them to grow, so I have a few tips for doing so.

Oh, and tissue culture, which you can do at home, but which isn’t something you can just casually decide to do without, you know, getting a lab (laboratory, not labrador).

If you’re new to these plants, and aren’t sure where to start with their care, I have a complete Monstera deliciosa guide that covers every aspect of their history and care very briefly.

Propagating Monstera Deliciosa in soil

There aren’t many house plants I would recommend propagating in soil, not because it’s difficult, but because it’s easier to propagate in water.

Monstera, however, are the exception to this rule. They’re perfectly happy to root in soil without you needing to tend to them too much, and they’re not as quick to rot as many other houseplants.

How to propagate Monstera deliciosa in soil

Firstly, we need a node. You can root a leaf with no node, but it’s a zombie leaf (more on that later).

This is a Monstera node:

Monstera deliciosa stem with white arrows pointing to the nodes

The node looks like a horizontal line across the stem. Often there’s an aerial root sticking out of the node.

If you wanted to soil propagate all these nodes, you could cut them in the internodal space (the gap between the nodes) and pot up about five different Monstera.

You could also leave the stem intact, chop off the top growth and lie the stem on top of the soil. Each node could activate, so you’d have multiple growth points, but over time one will take over.

Monstera usually only have one stem per plant.

Multiple rooted nodes doesn’t mean multiple growth points

There are pros and cons to each method. I prefer leaving it intact – there’s always the option to separate the nodes later.

If you find finding a node difficult, and have no idea what you're doing, take a cutting that has two or more leaves. That way you definitely have a node, even if you don't know where it is

The problem with soil propagation is that you need to keep the soil around the node damp enough for it to produce roots but not so damp that it rots.

In my experience, Monstera root quite easily in drier soils, so you don’t need to be fastidious about watering it. I like to keep the top of the soil moist using a pressure sprayer – watering little and often means the soil stays evenly moist but never gets saturated.

tl:dr – stick a node in soil and wait for it to root.

Pros – propagating Monstera in soil

  • It’s easy and you don’t need to fuss over it
  • You don’t need to worry about transferring mediums once it’s rooted

Cons – propagating Monstera in soil

  • It takes longer than water propagating
  • You can’t see the roots

Alternative substrates you can propagate Monstera deliciosa in:

  • Leca
  • Spaghum
  • Perlite
  • Pon

Propagating Monstera Deliciosa in water

Water propagation is definitely the go-to method when it comes to propagating house plants. I have a whole guide to it here.

It’s exactly the same process as propagating in soil, except you stick the cutting in water.

I don't know why Monstera propagate so easily, but I can only think that it's because they've been in cultivation for so long. Basically, the ones that propgated quickly are the ones that were used as mother plants for greenhouses.

If you do want to speed up the rate at which your Monstera cutting roots, I have a whole article about how to make your cuttings root faster in water.

3 tips for getting your Monstera to root faster in water are:

  1. Oxygenate the water – change it more frequently, add an air pump or add oxygenating plants like java moss
  2. Increase the light by putting it under a grow light
  3. Increase the humidity using a humidifier or placing the cutting in a grow box or terrarium

Pros of propagating Monstera deliciosa in water

  • It’s quick and easy to do
  • You can see the roots and monitor their growth without disturbing the plant

Cons of propagating Monstera deliciosa in water

How to transfer water propagated Monstera back to soil

  • Wait until the plant has roots over an inch long. I like to wait until the initial roots have started to branch
  • Plant the Monstera in soil in a pot that’s not much bigger than the root ball – use a denser mix, such as a store-bought house plant potting mix so that it retains water
  • Make sure the soil stays fairly damp. You might prefer the spray the top every day and check if it needs watering properly weekly. I find that’s the best way to keep it evenly damp
  • Leave the plant in this pot until it needs repotting – i.e. the roots are growing out of the bottom
  • Repot the Monstera into a more appropriate potting mix

If your cuttings keep rotting I have an article here on how to reduce the chance of that happening.

I have a whole article of tips for transferring Monstera cuttings from water to soil here.

How to air layer a Monstera deliciosa

Air layering is a way of rooting Monstera nodes before you take the cutting.

How to air layer Monstera deliciosa

Step 1: identify an aerial root

Aerial roots are the roots that stick out of the stem. In the wild the plant will use them to anchor itself to a nearby tree so it can climb it and get more sunlight

Step 2: apply your substrate

You know how with regular propagation you stick the node in the substrate, whether it’s soil or water? With air layering, you apply the substrate to the node. If you don’t have an aerial root, you can cut a notch in the stem. If the aerial root is too long (i.e. longer than about an inch) chop it shorter.

Grab some dampened sphagnum moss and wrap it around the aerial root. I like to add quite a lot because it’s easier to wrap and stays damp longer.

Step 3 : wrap it all in plastic wrap

This is NOT as easy as it sounds. It will not look neat until you’ve practiced a few hundred times. The good news is that neatness doesn’t matter – as long as the sphagnum and moss are on the inside of the plastic wrap, it doesn’t matter.

Step 4: keep the sphagnum damp and wait

The damp sphagnum will encourage the aerial root to start growing roots. Once you have a load of root, cut off the cutting and plant the cutting. Sphagnum roots are soil roots (rather than water roots) but I’d still be careful to keep the soil damp for a few weeks after transferring, just in case

…and that’s airlayering

Air layering for cheaters

Remember when that girl went viral on Tik Tok for sticking her aerial roots (her Monstera’s, that is) in a glass of water and insisting it led to a growth spurt (again, her Monstera’s)?

Yeah, putting aerial roots in water won’t guarantee new growth, but it can be a great way to root a node without chopping it. It’s the same principle as air layering, but the node will grow water roots, so it’ll be a little bit more finicky to transfer to soil.

Remember that when you come to chop your airlayered props you'll need a node to get a plant. If you chop the aerial root off the plant it'll just perish.

Pros of airlayering

  • It’s inherently less risky because you don’t take the cutting until after it’s formed roots
  • It’s pretty easy

Cons of airlayering

  • You need moss, which you’re less likely to have lying around than soil or water

Monstera Propagation: troubleshooting

How do I know if the node is spent?

Spent nodes are NOT worth worrying about. I have an article on them here.

My prop has no node but rooted. Yay!

I see this a LOT on houseplant Facebook pages.

Monstera petioles (the bit that connects the leaf to the stem) CAN produce roots. They can stay alive for a good few weeks.


If it DOES grow more leaves, there was a node. Maybe just a bit of one or a tiny one, but there definitely was a bit of node.

A rooted leaf that won’t grow is called a zombie leaf. Hoya kerrii are the most common example of zombie leaves. They just look cute so people buy them.

If you buy a Hoya kerrii single leaf and it grows, it’s not a miracle. It just means there was a bit of node attached. Same with Monstera leaves. Sometimes you get lucky.

The good thing about zombie leaves is that they mean that if something happens to a leaf (e.g. your cat nibbles a leaf off) you can pop it in a vase and enjoy it for a few weeks. Nice.

If you’re having trouble rooting your Monstera, check out this article:

Why is my Monstera not propagating?

How to propagate from a wet stick

I have an in-depth article on propagating wet sticks here.

Buying wet sticks is a common way to buy cheap plants. It’s great for both the buyer and the seller because no one has to pay for the time it takes for a plant to grow. The seller chops their plant into nodes and sells them either rooted or unrooted, but no leaves.

Wet sticks are also great because there's no risk of leaf damage in transit when there are no leaves to damage!


It’s a great way for newbies to either get fleeced or buy a wet stick that they can’t grow.

I find Monstera quite easy to grow from wet sticks, which is good news because they’re a common way to buy an affordable variegated Monstera*

*Don’t do this unless you know what you’re doing. A LOT of people end up with Marble Queen/Golden Pothos stems.

I (accidentally) did an experiment whereby I put a wet stick in a pot (with another Monstera) and promptly forgot about it. I watered the Monstera whenever required, but did nothing extra.

Here she is:

monstera wet stick

As you can see, we have roots to the left, and half-assed attempt at rooting from the aerial node in the middle.

Also, she’s pretty dried up. NEVER MIND.

I initially saw this when I went to take the photos of the nodes BUT LOOK:

monstera wet stick sprout

She has a little growth point!

This wet stick was laid on the soil horizontally, because the more nodes touching the soil, the more growth points you could end up with. I also had one I planted ‘properly’ (make sure it’s the right way up if you do this – I don’t know how they know, but they do) and it has a leaf!

This is interesting because as you can see, it’s a juvenile leaf. If you look at the stick it came from (wedged between the petiole and the moss pole) it’s quite a mature wet stick.

In my experience, the type of leaf you get (with regard to fenestrations) is very much the luck of the draw.

Also in my experience, there’s no telling what the next leaf will look like, but I’ll keep you updated.

Ok, that’s in for this article on propagating Monstera. Before you go, you might like these articles:

Caroline Cocker

Caroline is the founder and writer (and plant keeper) of Planet Houseplant

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