This Week In Houseplants (23/09/23)

It’s currently feeling very autumnal around here, but the weather is wild. It’s either baking or absolutely hoying it down. My plants don’t seem to have noticed the change in the weather (surely the fact I’ve cracked my dressing gown out should have alerted them??) and several of them are ramping up the growth. i …

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This Week In Houseplants (16/09/23)

How much does this Alocasia’s new leaf look like a flower? It was only when I came to water it and actually looked at it properly that I realised that it was a leaf. Oh, and I also found a thrips. Turns out they’ve been hiding on my Monstera Dubia, which is fun. Cue a …

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This Week In Houseplants (09/09/23)

I went plant shopping! I know it seems like I go a lot, but I was planning my content for the next few months (yes, I’m a loser) and there are plants I want to write about but don’t have. For example, I can hardly write an accurate post on keeping snake plants in leca …

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This Week In Houseplants (26/08/23)

Can anyone point me towards information on why Pilea peperomioides produce minerals out of the back of their leaves? I know they’re normal mineral deposits, but I SWEAR I read somewhere that they have a specific purpose – like taking them less tasty or something? Anyway, this week’s video was basically me showing off my …

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This Week In House Plants (19/08/23)

This week I would like to direct your attention to my Scindapsus pictus exotica, which has been doing big things. It’s not a plant I particularly worry about, because it always looks fine, but I had noticed that I was getting no growth at all. Not even a couple of weird leaves here and there. …

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