The Complete Guide to Growing Peace Lilies in Water
Growing peace lilies in water is easy for you, they’ll thrive, and most importantly, it looks cool.
how to care for peace lilies
Growing peace lilies in water is easy for you, they’ll thrive, and most importantly, it looks cool.
Ok, not a complete guide, because there’s precious little information out there about them, but I have a variegated peace lily and I’ve, er, seen others. Different types of variegated peace lilies There are a few different types of variegated peace lilies. There isn’t a lot of information about the actual genetics of the plants, …
You don’t need to do anything special to get peace lilies to produce flowers. Care for them well, and they’ll flower. I was all ready to tell you that peace lilies flower twice a year, around March and September, but I’m sat in my FREEZING house in January and my peace lily has just produced …
A lot of houseplants aren’t naturally bushy, so we have to fake it to get the look we’re after. This is fine, but sometimes it’s nice when plants just grow in an aesthetically pleasing way without you having to mess around with chopping and propping and replanting etc etc forever. Peace lilies get a lot …
Peace lilies aren’t climbers, so they don’t need support like a stake or moss pole – they don’t really have stems as such, so you’ll struggle to get one attached anyway. Do peace lilies need support? Peace lilies don’t need traditional support, like a trellis or something. They grow as a bushy shrub, spreading out …